Monday, July 15, 2019

We're Back!

Attention Touch of Tennis stars & volunteers!! Good news/bad news.... The bad news is that due the to circumstances out of our control, our program has been delayed a long time. There was a huge lingering concern as to whether we were even going to be able to have any tennis this summer. There also has been on going extensive construction at the University which has some of the roads on campus blocked off, including the main one that leads to the courts.
The GOOD news is that we DID find another venue! GPS says 11 minutes from Gwynedd! We really lucked out in finding someone gracious enough to accommodate us in the FORT WASHINGTON SWIM & TENNIS CLUB, of which, I am the newly appointed Tennis Director.
The program will start THIS WEDNESDAY, July 17th, still with the usual times 6:30-7:45 PM. As of now, the goal is to run the program out of Fort Washington Swim and Tennis MINIMALLY for the first 2 sessions. We will re-evaluate the situation for beyond then. Unfortunately what we do know is that the program cannot go beyond August 14th & cross our fingers no cancellations due to rain or excessive heat since no chance for make-ups at this point.
Although the swim and tennis club is not far from the University the directions certainly are tricky. DO NOT rely on GPS!!! Chances are very strong that you will get lost, so therefore we are offering VERY SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS that we have researched & test driven!!! I can't emphasize this point enough!
The directions will be posted on the blog as if you were coming from the University & also coming from 309, since we have people coming from all over.
These directions will be sent in a separate email blast, as we realize this is long already, but so much had to be covered!!
Again please spread the word to both returning people as well as newcomers!!
Looking forward to seeing you guys!
Touch of Tennis Crew

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